Worship for March 2022

6th March 10.30 am   Mrs. Viv Kendall – Holy Communion
13th March 10.30 am Mrs J. Holliday
20th March 10.30 am Mr Douglas McDevitte
27th March 10.30 am Rev Joyce Ellis – Healing Service

Statement on Ukraine from the Methodist Presidency

We are horrified and heartbroken as we witness the violent assault on Ukraine by the Russian military. This devastating action and ensuing loss of life have rightly been condemned across the world. It is a very clear violation of the UN Charter and as such imperils the foundation upon which international security is built and on which we all depend. We regret the failure to build an understanding with Russia and we pray for the Ukrainian and Russian peoples, including the Methodist church leaders in the region and the Methodist communities across Ukraine. Christians are called to ‘pursue peace with everyone’ (Hebrews 12:14); this mandate is clear and requires courage, perseverance and understanding. We ask you to pray for all politicians, that there may be an to end to aggression and that dialogue, justice and peace may be established.

Pray for Peace in Ukraine

